Sunday, July 30, 2006

Publicly listed not-for-profit disorganisation

I've changed the setting to public listing so that a certain protegee can easily check here and go "Ha ha, you are blogging!"

So while I'm at it, here's why you should all put Blayneyism as your religion on the census next week.

1) Unlike agnosticism, you know there is no god, just cool people.
2) Unlike Jedi, argumentative and whiny nerds who don't get out and have a life that involves interacting with people face to face will not only be excommunicated but roshamboed.
3) Unlike christianity, Blayneyism must not be promoted with a straight face.
4) Unlike atheism, you get to believe in something so you'll get more readily accepted across the US mid-west.
5) (feel free to suggest other reasons in a way that won't overly upset people of that religion) (see tenet#1)

#1 - Do anything you want that causes no harm to others.
#2 - Accept the consequences if you get it wrong

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Life's full of disappointment

Not sure if or what I will post here so don't get too much hope up. My motivation for creating this is to create a multi-user blog for some friends joining me on a fitness challenge and of course I can now comment on other's blogs.
Although with the census coming up, I suspect this will be my platform for promoting my new religion - Blayneyism. With every 10,000 converts you get a free religious holiday.